We're currently meeting in-person at the Maitlandfield House Hotel at 10:45 (see VISIT for details). If you can't join us in person you can watch our service live-streamed on our Facebook page HERE.
Haddington Community Church is a church in the heart of East Lothian, and part of the Free Church of Scotland. Our goal is to grow together in our love for God and to share with those around us the life-giving good news of what Jesus has done through his life, death, and resurrection. We’d love you to come and join us, and you’d receive a really warm welcome whatever your beliefs and background.
At the heart of our services is the bible; we believe that it’s God’s word and that he speaks to us through it.At the heart of our services is the bible; we believe that it’s God’s word and that he speaks to us through it. As we gather on a Sunday we sing together, pray, and have reading and preaching from the bible. There's never any pressure to join in anything you'd feel uncomfortable with. There's chance for children up to P7 to head to Kids' Church or crèche part way through the service if they wish. They come back at the end of the service when there's the chance to chat and get to know one another a bit more.
Sundays at 10:45am
Maitlandfield House Hotel
24 Sidegate
EH41 4BZ
Our welcome team will be on hand to direct you and answer any questions you might have.
Missed a sermon or want to listen back again? Download or listen now.
Genesis 12-25: Abraham - Living By Faith in the Promises of God
Genesis 17:1-27
By: Ali Sewell
Date: 9th February 2025
Genesis 12-25: Abraham - Living By Faith in the Promises of God
Genesis 16:1-16
By: Ali Sewell
Date: 2nd February 2025